Portfolios - ERDEMIR @ CWIEME Berlin 2024

ERDEMIR @ CWIEME Berlin 2024

Spotlight on CWIEME Berlin 2024: Embrace Innovation with an Engaging Booth Experience
CWIEME, the world’s premier event for coil winding, electric motor, transformer, and e-mobility sectors, this fair is featuring over 600 exhibitors and drawing more than 6,000 industry professionals from around the globe .

Standing out at CWIEME Berlin is crucial, and one way to achieve this is through a uniquely designed booth. An atypical booth can simulate your products and processes in ways that are both interactive and immersive, providing attendees with a hands-on experience. This approach not only attracts visitors but also leaves a lasting impression, showcasing your commitment to innovation and quality.
We want to congratulate our Customer ERDEMIR for the outstanding results achieved during this fair and we can only applaud the great job done by XDS team in making ideas and concepts come true.
Will be thriving to renew the experience once again for the next shows and looking forward for next edition at CWIEME.

Published date 29.05.2024